Shakti Kapoor Shivangi Kolhapure Love Story: Shakti Kapoor has been a well-known villain of Bollywood. He has done many good roles in his career. However, the actor’s personal life has always been away from the limelight. Shakti Kapoor was married to actress Shivangi Kolhapur. Both have been married for 43 years. Now in an interview, the actor revealed how he had requested Shivangi to marry him.

Shakti Kapoor said, ‘I met him. She was a child artiste and I was playing the role of a young man in the film. She is 12 years younger than me. We met, fell in love and I thought – where can I find such a homely and beautiful girl? One day I told him that my work was disturbing and I wanted to focus. she got angry.’


Narrating the story of proposing to Shivangi, Shakti Kapoor said, ‘I went to her and requested her. I apologized and told her that I want to marry you. I also told her that I want you to be a housewife. We had a court marriage. After this everyone accepted us. He left his singing career and everything for me. Even today I join hands with him and thank him for this. Shakti and Shivangi have two children – actress Shraddha Kapoor and actor Siddhant Kapoor.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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