Chunky Panday, who made his acting debut with Aag Hi Aag alongside Neelam Kothari Soni in 1987, revealed that during the early phase of his career, he would attend events to earn extra income. Sharing a hilarious incident, Chunky shared that he was once asked to attend an event, only to realise that it was a funeral.

Appearing on The Great Indian Kapil Show on Netflix, Chunky said, “One morning, I got a call from an organiser. He asked, ‘What are you doing today?’ I told him, ‘I am just leaving for a shooting.’ He asked me where it is and I told him it’s in Film City. He then said, ‘Bhai, raaste mein ek chota sa event hai, 10 minute ke liye, aana, paise ache hai.’ I said sure. He then asked me, ‘If you’re coming, wear white clothes and come.’ I didn’t think much, wore white clothes and landed at the venue,” Chunky said.

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Further, the actor said that when he reached the venue, he noticed several people standing outside and wearing white clothes. As he slowly walked in, people stared at him and whispered, “Chunky Panday has come,” which left him completely puzzled.

“I saw the dead body and I realised I was at a funeral. I was naive and thought that the organiser might have died by the time I reached. I saw the organiser in the corner and called for him. He said, ‘Sir, don’t worry, your packet (of money) is with me. But the family said that if you would cry, they will give you more money.’ This really happened,” Chunky added.

On the work front, Chunky was last seen in the Netflix film Vijay 69, alongside Anupam Kher in the lead.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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