As per available records, Saif Ali Khan was born on August 16, 1970, at 11.20 pm at New Delhi, India to Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and Sharmila Tagore. Since the chart available of Saif Ali Khan is a bit doubtful, I have based my analysis based on his son, Taimur’s chart. He was born on Dec 20, 2016, at 8.49 am at Mumbai.

Saif was stabbed on January 16, 2025, he was stabbed multiple times during an alleged robbery and home invasion inside his Mumbai residence. While he has been discharged from the hospital and pictures show him walking towards the car, his health will take quite a long time to stabilise completely.

From the Taimur’s chart, we can reorient the chart taking the ninth house as the house of the father (Saif Ali Khan). The Ascendant is Sagittarius. Therefore, the ninth house becomes Leo. It has Moon in 23 degrees in the sign Leo and Rahu at 11,50 degrees. On the day of the stabbing, the transit Saturn was in the sign Aquarius at 21.36 degrees casting its opposition aspect on the Moon in the sign Leo.

This dasa running is of Sun/Mercury till November 2025. The transit Saturn will move into the sign Pisces on March 29th/30th, 2025 and transit Rahu/Ketu will transit the sign Aquarius/Leo on May 29th/30st, 2025. From the sign Pisces, transit Saturn will cast its tenth aspect on the Sun in the sign Sagittarius. Similarly, the transit Rahu in Aquarius will afflict the Ketu and Mars. Also, the transit Ketu will afflict the Moon and Rahu in the sign Leo. So, the coming months, till November 2026, will be very critical for Saif Ali Khan’s health.

His injuries have done considerable damage to his lower back. He might have to go abroad for a surgery around June 2025. This will be for his lower back or a hip injury in the future. Chances are the injury might be related to the attack on January 16th.

Currently, Saif’s ancestral property in Bhopal is in litigation. While Saif had managed to take a stay order, court has given a verdict against him in December 2024. Though he might consider appealing in higher courts, the final verdict will be against Saif and he will lose the property to government.

Rough patch in marriage of parents is seen in Taimur’s chart. This means that Saif’s marriage with Kareena is going to face trouble. One cannot predict if they will separate permanently or divorce, but by the end of the year they will definitely start staying separately.

Saif’s career, keeping Taimur’s chart as reference, is not on a high and will not be so for quite some time. His health will prevent him from doing any new projects in 2025.

Taimur might choose to act in films in his later life, but that will be after going abroad for further studies. He will do well in academics and then choose a career in films. He might do Hollywood films. There is an exchange of Jupiter in the 10th house of profession with the Mercury in the Ascendant. Also, the Sun in the Ascendant the lord of the ninth house gives added strength to the chart. The Mars dasa which will begin from March 2037, will be beneficial for Taimur as there is exchange between Mars and Saturn in the chart. In short, Taimur has a bright future.

(Views expressed here are solely of the columnist and the publication does not necessarily subscribe to the same)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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