Mumbai: The Executive Director of Baccarose Perfumes and Beauty Products Pvt. Ltd., has filed a complaint with the Worli Police against two former employees, Vishwajit Kakde, Sankesh Jaitapkar and others for alleged data theft and breach of confidentiality, as per the complaint Worli police have registered FIR under sections 72(A), 66(B) and 43(B) of IT act and sections 3(5) and 316(5) of BNS Act.
The complainant stated that the accused shared sensitive company data with a competitive firm. The stolen data reportedly includes the company’s last three years’ product sales, pricing details, and distribution trends.
About The Case
According to the complaint’s Statement, Kakde, who joined the company as Senior Executive for E-commerce in April 2021, and Jaitapkar, employed as Senior Manager for Brands since 2021, left the company in July 2024 and July 2023, respectively, to join another competitive firm. An internal investigation revealed that Kakde emailed confidential files, including an attachment titled “PARCOS ARMANI SKU.xls”, to Jaitapkar using his company email on July 5, 2024. These emails contained critical business data related to sales performance, which is pivotal for market forecasting and strategic planning.
The stolen information, described as highly sensitive and proprietary, could allow competitors to strategize product launches and gain a significant market advantage, thereby causing financial losses to Bakarose Perfumes. He stressed that the company’s operations, which span across India and international markets, rely heavily on confidentiality and employee trust.
The complaint accuses the former employees and officials at competitive firms of colluding to exploit the stolen data for commercial gains. It alleges that the employees were lured with higher pay and possibly monetary incentives to facilitate the data theft. The Worli Police have acknowledged receiving the complaint and stated that an inquiry is underway to ascertain the extent of the breach and any other potential misconduct.