Madhya Pradesh: Ex-CM Digvijaya Singh Invites CM Mohan Yadav, Other BJP Leaders To Watch ‘Jungle Satyagrah’ |

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A movie ‘Jungle Satyagrah’ based on a true story from Indian Freedom Movement will be screened on January 13 at Mansarovar auditorium of state assembly. Former chief minister Digvijaya Singh has invited CM Mohan Yadav and other BJP leaders for the movie screening.

Singh’s media coordinator Yogendra Singh informed that the movie is based on the true incident that took place in Betul district.  “In 1930, the British government had ordered that none of the tribals would be permitted to enter the jungle.

Five tribal leaders Ganjan Singh Korku, Vishnu Singh Gond, Mohkam Singh, Ramji Korku and Jugaru Gond and other five non tribal sat on Satyagraha against the order,” he informed.

The government took strict step against the tribals and sentenced them to capital punishment. Later, the Country achieved freedom and they were released. The added that the film was produced by Pradeep Uike and featured local artists.

Two former MLAs from Multai Sukhdev Panse and Dhramveer Singh of Bhainsdehi have also acted in the movie.  Those who were released from the jail were later elected MLA. Freedom fighter Mohkam Singh served as MLA and then his son was also elected MLA.  

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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