In the winter season, vegetables are prepared in abundance in all the houses. Spinach is most commonly eaten to overcome iron deficiency. Many types of dishes are made from Palak Paneer, Potato and Spinach Vegetable. People are fond of eating pakodas in cold weather and the taste of pakodas increases when spinach is added to them. As much as spinach tastes good, it is equally difficult to clean it and get it from the market.

Actually, spinach leaves contain dirt and insects, which do not get cleaned even after washing them in water several times. If spinach is not cleaned properly, it can cause stomach problems. Apart from this, the taste will also be affected. In such a situation, we are telling you some easy tips to clean spinach.

First clean it with water

After bringing spinach from the market, keep its bundle at one place and wash it thoroughly under the tap. This will remove most of the soil from the spinach. After washing the bundle, cut it with the help of a knife. Now place the spinach in a mesh basket and wash it under running water, during which you can clean all the leaves thoroughly.

Clean up like this after cutting

After cleaning the spinach leaves, cut them carefully. Now the easiest way to wash cut spinach leaves is to keep them in a mesh bag. Dip the vegetable bag in a vessel filled with water and take it out. You have to repeat this process 3 to 4 times. Every time the water gets dirty, in this way you have to clean the water until it becomes clean.


baking soda will also work

You can also use baking soda to clean spinach. For this, put spinach in a bowl and add water to it. Add one spoon of baking soda in it and leave it for 10 minutes. After this the spinach will have to be cleaned with clean water. After washing it thoroughly and drying it a little, you can use it.

Natural Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner

You can also use natural fruit and vegetable cleaners to clean spinach. You will easily get this cleaner in the market. To use it, put spinach in a bowl and add vegetable cleaner in it, then wash it with clean water after some time. In this way the spinach will be cleaned properly. To enjoy chemical-free spinach, you can grow it in pots.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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