Big news has come out against Naxalism in Karnataka. The special anti-terrorism court recently arrested Naxalite leader B.G. acquitted Krishnamurthy and his wife Prabha Hosagade, who were accused of attacking a forest post at Kudremukh National Park in Sringeri, Chikkamagaluru district in 2005. This decision has come at a time when on Thursday the same court sent six Naxalites who surrendered before the Karnataka Chief Minister to judicial custody for 14 days. Of these, four are being considered as the last armed Naxalites left in the state.
Bangladesh rejected invitation on IMD’s 150th anniversary, Pakistan will remain included
Bangladesh has decided not to participate in the special celebrations organized to mark the 150th anniversary of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), while Pakistan has confirmed participation in the event. Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) officials have refused representation at the ceremony, considering it an unnecessary foreign trip.
Satyagraha of BPSC students: Pappu Yadav takes a jibe at PK
The students’ agitation demanding the 70th BPSC re-exam has been going on for many days, which is also getting support from various political parties. Prashant Kishor, founder of Jan Suraj, is also on a fast unto death in support of the students. Meanwhile, independent MP from Purnia Pappu Yadav has taken a sharp jibe at PK without naming him and has called for Bihar bandh on January 12 in support of BPSC candidates.
Shehnai will be played at Prabhas’ house soon! wedding news fast
The news of the marriage of South superstar Prabhas, who has given many hit films in his career, is spreading rapidly these days. 45 year old Prabhas is considered the most eligible bachelor of the film industry. According to recent information, Shehnai is going to be played in his house soon, which has created a wave of happiness among the fans.
Yashasvi Jaiswal’s big chance against England
Young batsman Yashasvi Jaiswal, who has performed brilliantly since his debut in international cricket, can now play in the upcoming T20 series against England. According to reports, he may get a chance to play as an opener in the series starting from January 22. If he performs well, he will have a chance to become the fastest to complete 1000 runs.