Comedian Sunil Pal and his most important henchman Akash alias Gola, who was absconding with the main accused Lavi Pal in the film actor Mushtaq Khan kidnapping case, was arrested by Bijnor police after a late night encounter. There is a reward of Rs 25 thousand on this.


Bijnor Police of UP has got a big success. His most important henchman Akash alias Gola, who had absconded with Luv Pal, the main accused in the comedian Sunil Pal and film actor Mushtaq Khan kidnapping case, was arrested by the police after a late night encounter. There is a reward of Rs 25 thousand on this. During the encounter, the bullet fired by the accused got stuck in the bullet proof jacket of Inspector Avneesh Mann.

The injured accused was taken to the hospital

The police have admitted the injured accused to the district hospital for treatment. During the encounter, the police recovered a pistol and three cartridges from him. Akash alias Gola was absconding in the Mushtaq Khan kidnapping case on December 20, while the police had arrested 4 gang members Sarthak alias Ricky, Azim, Sabiuddin and Shashank on December 14.

After which, on December 17, the second accused Shiva was also arrested by the police and sent to jail. After this, the main accused Lavi Pal and his special henchmen Akash, Ankit Pahadi and Ravi’s cousin Shubham escaped. Since then the police was busy searching for him.

Late night, Bijnor police received information that Akash alias Gola of Lavini gang was coming to meet someone under the Malan river bridge on Bijnor Mandawar Road. As soon as the information about this was received, the police surrounded him. The accused, seeing himself surrounded, started firing at the police. The bullet of Inspector Avneesh Mann, who was involved in the encounter, got stuck in his bullet proof jacket. After this, the police fired in self-defense and one bullet hit the leg of the accused. After which the accused got injured. The police took the injured accused into their custody and admitted him to the hospital for treatment.

Police have also recovered Rs 10,200 out of the Rs 2 lakh 20 thousand withdrawn from the account of film actor Mushtaq Khan, along with a 315 bore pistol and three cartridges. Whereas the police has demanded Rs 1 lakh 15 thousand from the previously arrested criminals.

According to SP City Sanjeev Vajpayee, Akash Shukla was absconding with the main accused Luv Pal for many days and wherever Luv Pal was hiding, he was present with him. Akash is a resident of Mohalla Chahshiri of Bijnor. After his arrest, it has become easier for the police to reach the main leader of the gang, Lavi Pal. Because, he spent a long time with his love friend. The police is now busy locating Lavi Pal.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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