Gorakhpur, 30 November (Hindustan Reporter). Addressing the first session on the second day of the three-day regional executive meeting of Vidya Bharti Eastern Uttar Pradesh region held at Saraswati Shishu Mandir Pakki Bagh Gorakhpur, Regional Organization Minister of Vidya Bharti Eastern Uttar Pradesh Hemchandra said that the enlightened women of the society should be guided by their ideology. To be added. He said that the more women are empowered, the stronger will be the society and nation. Through women development class, mother power should be awakened towards Hindutva, social harmony and indigenous sentiments, civic duty, joint family system and environmental protection. More and more mother power should be included in all our committees. They should not just be added but should be brought into a decisive role.

The Regional Organization Minister said that Matri Bharati should be activated in every school as soon as it is formed. Participation of more and more women in school programs should be ensured. Maternal power should also be linked to the Sanskar Kendra. Kanya Bharti, which helps in awakening motherhood, creativity, leadership and national spirit among girls in schools, should be activated. In which maximum number of girls participate. The family, society and nation in which women are respected, that family, society and nation progress at a very fast pace. Vidya Bharti on the occasion of 300th birth anniversary of Lokmata Ahilyabai Holkar 1 January 2025 One month from 31 January 2025 to convey the feelings of Ahilyabai Holkar’s motherhood, creativity, leadership, justice and patriotism to the society and family. Will run 300th birth anniversary campaign.

In which books and various literature and pictures related to Mata Ahilyabai will be delivered to every house. In all the schools run by Vidya Bharti, Shishu Mandir/Vidya Mandir, morning Vandana session for one month, narrating incident on the life of Ahilyabai to the brothers and sisters, general knowledge and essay competition will be organized. On this occasion, President Vidya Bharti Eastern Uttar Pradesh Region Divya Kant. Shukla, Dr. Ram Manoharan and Yogesh and other officers and members were present.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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