Emergency Movie Trailer: The second trailer of Bollywood queen Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has been released today. Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has been in controversies for a long time and the release date of this film has also been postponed several times. But after the controversies, this film will be released in theaters this month. The film Emergency is based on the emergency imposed in 1975. This second trailer of the film has been released in which the turmoil in the country is shown.


Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency will be released in theaters on January 17. In the released trailer of the film, Anupam Kher plays the role of Jai Prakash Narayan while Shreyas Talpade plays the role of Atal Bihari Bajpayee. Milind Soman is seen in the role of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.


People are liking this second trailer of the film very much. People say that Kangana is looking powerful in the role of Indira Gandhi and people have also liked her dialogue delivery and expression. Some users even say that this film will get Kangana another National Award.

It is noteworthy that this film directed by Kangana has been in controversies since the beginning. After the release of the film, there was a lot of controversy regarding the censor certificate. Although this film was scheduled to be released on June 14 last year, but due to controversies, its release date kept changing and now this film will be released on January 17, 2025.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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