A drastic increase in power bill money shocked a man from the Beherwin Jattan village in Himachal Pradesh. When a businessman named Lalit Dhiman checked his electricity bill for December 2024, the heavy sum listed there stunned him. While he was only charged ₹2,500 in November, the recent bill showed him a payable amount of ₹200 Crore.

Bill of ₹2,10,42,08,405

Lalit couldn’t believe that he could receive such a bill of ₹2,10,42,08,405. He visited the electricity board to file a complaint when he was informed that there was an error.

The staff told the businessman that the high bill was caused by a technical glitch. He was provided with the right total for electricity services and it wasn’t in crore or lakhs, but some thousands.

After the electricity board officials clarified he wasn’t expected to pay the heavy amount as it was a glitch, they rectified and created a bill of ₹4,047.

Similar incidents

This isn’t the first time that such an incident has taken place in the country. There are similar incidents of glitches that recorded a greater bill amount and shocked people.

In a similar case, a Gujarat man received a massive bill from the electricity department. The incident was reported with a tailor in Valsad who received a bill of more than 86 lakh rupees last year. However, the amount was later corrected to less than ₹2,000. The tailor surnamed Ansari then only paid ₹1,540.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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