In New Delhi, BJP candidate Pravesh Verma has made serious allegations against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Verma says that Kejriwal’s car hit three youths who were asking questions about the job.
BJP’s allegation
Pravesh Verma claimed that the incident took place near Lal Bahadur Sadan in Gol Market at around 4 pm, when Kejriwal was doing door-to-door campaign. According to Verma, three youths—Vishal, Abhishek, and Rohit—tried to meet Kejriwal to discuss the question of unemployment.
Verma alleged that Punjab Police personnel beat him up to prevent the youth from meeting, and Kejriwal signaled the driver to run over him. Verma showed the broken phone of a young man and claimed that it was damaged due to a car collision. He said that all three youths have suffered injuries on their knees.
Verma said on social media, “This incident shows the negligence and insensitivity of Arvind Kejriwal. “Action should be taken against this shameful act.”
AAP’s answer
Aam Aadmi Party hit back by rejecting these allegations of BJP. The party claimed that Kejriwal was attacked with bricks and stones during the election campaign, and that BJP was behind it. Party spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar said, “BJP is upset after seeing its defeat and is attacking Kejriwal.”
AAP released a video claiming that the attack was sponsored by the BJP. Kakkar said, “Pravesh Verma got his goons attacked. This is the result of BJP’s desperation.”
Demand for investigation into the matter
Due to this development the political atmosphere of Delhi has become more heated. Both the parties are making serious allegations against each other. Now it has to be seen what truth comes out in the investigation of this matter.