Naigaon: In a shocking incident of animal cruelty, an elderly man was caught with a female dog inside a toilet in Maharashtra’s Naigaon. The man was caught red-handed with the mother dog inside the toilet of a construction site by a female animal activist. She recorded the incident on her mobile phone and shared the video on social media, where it quickly went viral.
In the video, the elderly man, who appears to be in his sixties, can be seen taking the dog into the toilet, allegedly with ill intentions. The woman arrived at the scene just in time and rescued the dog from harm. She claimed she had gone to the location after receiving information that the mother dog had been taken into a public toilet.
The woman shared the video on social media, demanding justice for the innocent animal. Animal lovers and activists are calling for strict action against the man involved in the incident.
The video is shared on Instagram by animal welfare foundation, Pal Foundation ( The foundation reported, “UNACCEPTABLE CRUELTY TOWARDS A MOTHER DOG IN NAIGAON – WE DEMAND JUSTICE! Location – Naigaon East, Mahalaxmi Nagar Juhu Chandra Road.
It further said, “Reporter – Anuradha Dwivedi, Pooja Pal (@annarosariorosario), Shruti Kaushal and Saraswati Yadav This is beyond heartbreaking and we have no words to describe the cruelty that has been inflicted upon this innocent mother dog.”
“An incident has been reported to us from Naigaon, where a poor female dog, a mother, was taken into a public toilet. We cannot begin to express the level of cruelty she has faced. This is absolutely unacceptable, and we need to take a stand against such inhumane behavior,” said the foundation in the Instagram post.
The government should introduce stricter laws to prevent cruelty against animals. Many monstrous incidents involving animals have emerged from various parts of the country. The government should take strict action and amend the rules to ensure the safety of these animals.