Eknath Shinde: Amidst the political turmoil in Maharashtra, it came to light that the health of Caretaker Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has deteriorated. He has been taken to Jupiter Hospital in Thane. Shinde had returned from his hometown only on Sunday. Due to ill health, he went to the village to rest. But while talking to the media he said that his health is good.

Eknath Shinde is suffering from fever and throat infection

Since Eknath Shinde’s condition was still not good, he was tested for dengue and malaria. Which has come negative. Due to continuous fever, he had become weak due to antibiotics. Therefore, the team of doctors from Jupiter Hospital examined his health. His son Shrikant Shinde is also present along with CM Eknath Shinde. Eknath Shinde is suffering from continuous fever and throat infection.



Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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