The egg rate in Mumbai has touched record breaking Rs 100 per dozen this winter giving hard time for those who relying heavily on eggs for their daily protein intake. The increase in the price is attributed to the production going down in the winters. “Every year during winter, the rates start increasing but this year, it is the maximum,” Raju Shewale,  Vice Chairman National eggs committee (NECC) Mumbai zone, said.

Around 4 crore eggs used to get supplied to Mumbai region from Hyderabad and other parts of Maharashtra which has now come down to 1 crore eggs being transported for daily consumption. “The production has decreased and simultaneously the demand has increased which has created a huge difference between the demand and supply chain which is the core reason behind the price increase,” Shewale added. As of now in wholesale market, 100 units of egg is being sold at Rs 685 and around Rs 84 for one dozen which was being sold at RS 82 til last week. Last year, the per dozen rate of eggs had not crossed Rs 80 in wholesale market and Rs 90 in retail market. Meanwhile, in the retail market one dozen varies between Rs 90 to Rs 100. “While some of the local shops are selling it at Rs 90, the e commerce sites are selling for close to Rs 100 per dozen,” a resident from Nerul said.

Around 15 days back, 100 units of egg cost around Rs 510 in wholesale market. “Taking advantage of the price increase in the wholesale market, the retailers are selling at exorbitant rate which is not justified. A dozen costing close to Rs 90 is justified but not beyond that,” Shewale added.

The traders are also of the opinion that the poultry business in the country is reducing which is also another reason for the production to come down. The increasing price is expected to stabilise by the month of January and after that it is expected that the rates might come back to normalcy slowly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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