Sour ingredients like tomato, dry mango powder, and tamarind are used to balance the taste of spices in vegetables. But sometimes their use increases so much that the sourness of the vegetable becomes excessive. If this happens to you too, you can reduce the sourness with these easy measures:

  1. a little bit of sweetness

    Add some sugar, honey, or jaggery to the curry to balance the sour taste. Brown sugar is also a good option. Sweetness can effectively balance the sourness.

  2. use of curd

    Curd increases the sourness, but using it properly can also balance it. Add half a cup of milk, beat the curd well and slowly add it to the gravy. This will reduce the sour taste. Use of fresh cream can also be similarly beneficial.

  3. use of seasonal vegetables

    Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or peas help reduce sourness. Add these vegetables to the curry and cook well. These will not only balance the sourness but will also increase the nutrition.

  4. use of baking soda

    Add a pinch of baking soda to sour vegetables. Keep in mind that its quantity should not be too much, as it may affect the taste and texture of the gravy. 1/4 teaspoon baking soda is enough.

  5. Coconut or Nut Paste

    Coconut or walnut paste can also help reduce the sourness. Grind fresh coconut and mix it in gravy. Similarly, you can also use almond, poppy seeds, or cashew paste.

With these simple tips, you can balance the sourness of your vegetables and enhance the taste of your food!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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