Nowadays, due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, many people are facing stomach related problems, especially gas formation. The pain, cramps and bloating caused by gas not only cause physical discomfort, but can also affect other parts of the body. Although there are many remedies available to treat gas, if you want to get relief in a natural way, then acupressure technique can be a good option. In this technique, pressure is applied on specific points of the body, which helps in improving blood flow and relaxing the muscles. Let us know which acupressure points should be pressed to get relief from gas.

1. Massage of SP6 point

Massage the SP6 point to get instant relief from gas and its pain. This point is located about three inches above your ankle. It affects the lower abdominal organs and nervous system. When gas forms, place two fingers on this point and massage with light pressure for two to three minutes. This will release stomach gas and provide relief from related problems.

2. Press the CV12 point

To get rid of gas related problems, you can also press CV12 point. This point is about four inches above your navel. Applying pressure on this point also affects the abdominals, bladder and gall bladder. Apply light pressure with fingers and massage in circular shapes. This can provide a lot of relief from gas pain.

3. CV6 Point Massage

If gas formation and pain occur, massage the CV6 point, also known as the Qihai point. It is about one and a half inches below the navel. Massage this point by gently pressing it with two to three fingers. This area can be quite sensitive, so don’t apply too much pressure. By doing this for two to three minutes, the gas formed in the stomach can come out and you can get relief.

With the help of these acupressure points, you can get relief from gas problems. Be sure to consult a doctor before adopting these, especially if you have persistent stomach pain.

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Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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