The CEO of Edelweiss Mutual Fund, Radhika Gupta, has joined the controversy surrounding the 90-hour workweek debate promoted by L&T Chairman SN Subrahmanyan. She has shared her personal experience of how working nearly 100 hours has not been productive.

Radhika Gupta wrote a brief piece on linkedin titled ‘Choices, Hard Work, and Happiness’ in which she discussed her career journey and the lessons she has learned.

She emphasised the importance of working hard as a means of achieving success.

Hard work is the path to success

‘I was taught that hard work is crucial and that it is the only path to success. I also think that in a competitive workplace, the person who puts in more effort will advance more quickly.’ A lot of hard work leads to great careers, accomplishments, and companies,’ Radhika Gupta wrote.

Everyone has different life goals and desires a challenging career with higher roles, Radhika emphasized. Such individuals should not be subjected to judgment.

‘Working hard is a decision. Being ambitious is a decision. And decisions have repercussions.’ Being a CEO or founder with a huge exit is not a requirement for everyone. Because they value their time off from work, many of the people ‘I know have opted for a less demanding career path within their field. No opinions, she said.’

Edelweiss boss talked about hours per week

Regarding working hours, Radhika talked about how she used to put in 100 hours a day, which left her feeling ‘miserable’ and even led to two hospitalisations.

‘Let’s discuss hours now. For four months in a row, I put in 100 hours a week on my first project at my first job. eighteen hours a day, with one day off (not Sunday, though, as I had to be at a client site on Sunday),’ Gupta said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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