Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Bhopal Zonal Office has conducted search operations on Wednesday under provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 and have found documents pertaining to immovable assets, properties worth more than Rs 66 crore in the name of various companies and family members of Kishan Modi, officials said here on Thursday.
Searches were conducted at various premises situated in Bhopal, Sehore and Morena districts in the matter of M/s Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd officials said.
The search covered residential premises of key persons including Kishan Modi, Payal Modi, Amit Kuklod and others and also official premises and factory, who were alleged beneficiaries of the Proceeds of Crime.
ED initiated investigation on the basis of FIR registered, charge-sheet filed by Economic Offences Wing (EOW), Bhopal against M/s Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd.
Scrutiny of FIR revealed the company through its directors were engaged in production and distribution of adulterated milk products domestically and internationally using ‘forged lab certificates’.
ED investigation revealed that the factory manufactured adulterated milk products and used falsified lab certificates purportedly issued by BIS, NABL recognised labs to secure export certification from Export Inspection Agency (EIA) Indore, which were used for export of adulterated milk products. Verification revealed that these certificates were either originally issued to other companies or forged or fraudulently obtained.
In the investigation so far, 63 forged lab certificates have been identified which were used for export of adulterated milk products to various countries as well for domestic consumption.
During search operations, movable assets in the form of fixed deposits (FDs) of around Rs 6.26 crore were found in the name of company or its directors, which were frozen and cash amounting to Rs 25 lakh was seized along with seizure of luxury cars.