Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday searched at seven different places including Bhopal, Gwalior and Pune on Friday in connection with Saurabh Sharma.
In Bhopal, ED conducted search at Navodaya Cancer Hospital, Indrapuri and Indrapuri based residence of owner Dr Shyam Agrawal.
Sources informed that Saurabh had invested huge amount in the hospital. Saurabh is having business relations with the owner of the hospital. In Gwalior, ED conducted search at the house of retired sub-registrar KK Arora, who is the business partner of Vinay Haswani.
Haswani is relative of Sharma. In Bhopal in Mandori area, where a car was seized from which 52 kilogram of gold and Rs 10 crore cash was found, the farm house belongs to Haswani.
ED Officials have found huge investment of Sharma in Pune, during their raids. Sources informed that during earlier raid, some of the documents related to property investment was found and during screening of documents, a clue was found about the investment in Pune.
On December 19, 2024 the Lokayukta police have conducted raids at two premises of former RTO constable Sharma. The police have seized cash and valuables worth Rs 7.98 crore. Later the ED on December 30 in 2024 also conducted raids and have unearthed the property worth Rs 34 crore.