Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, admired for his chiselled physique and dedication to fitness, recently opened up about the secrets behind the diet that keeps him going every day. While on a promotional tour for his upcoming film ‘Fateh,’ the actor shared insights into his lifestyle and diet choices. In a recent conversation, Sonu revealed that he completely avoids chapatis, has never consumed alcohol, and relies on simple yet nutritious meals to maintain his fitness.

“I am a vegetarian. My diet is very boring,” stated Sonu in a interview with Jist. He continued, “Whenever someone comes home, they say that I eat hospital food at home. I tell them that this is my plate; you eat whatever you want. Besides me, everyone eats non-vegetarian food; sabke liye acha khaana banta hai. We have the best of cooks.”

“I have never thrown a tantrum in school, college, or now.” The actor stated that he maintains a healthy diet, which doesn’t contain roti. “I have stopped eating chapatis,” he mentioned.

Sonu Sood’s daily diet routine

His everyday diet includes: “In the afternoon, I eat a small bowl of dal and rice. For breakfast, I eat an egg-white omelette, salad, avocado, sautéed vegetables or papaya. But yes, I eat healthy; I don’t cheat on my diet. I eat makki ki roti sometimes, but only once in a while. It is important to be consistent.”

‘I don’t drink at all’

The ‘Happy New Year’ fame also revealed that he has never tried alcohol in his life. “I don’t drink at all. Many co-stars have tried to make me try alcohol, saying, ‘Isko aaj try karva ke rahenge.’ Many have tried spiking my drink secretly. Salman bhai ko bada shauk rehta tha, kehte ki, ‘Ek kaam kar zara, Red Bull ke andar daal ke laa thodi (Mix some alcohol in Red Bull),’” the actor added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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