It should be checked from time to time whether the digestive system is working properly or not. Many people suffer from problems like gas, constipation and acidity, feeling full even after eating small amounts of food. The main reason for this is the waste material accumulated in the intestines and stomach. Everyone should take care of the health of these two. Even if the metabolism in the body is not working properly or is working slowly, let us know how to remove the waste, waste and toxins from the body.

Probiotics increase the good bacteria in the intestines. Good bacteria in the gut are good for digestion. It cleans the waste material present in the stomach and intestines. Curd, fermented foods, buttermilk, paneer etc. should be taken daily. One should drink 2 liters to 3 liters of water daily to flush out wastes and protect the intestines. Water flushes out waste and toxins. Increase the amount of dietary fiber in the diet. Fiber helps the digestive system to function properly. Fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds should be consumed.

Fruits are high in fiber and they help in keeping the stomach healthy. Fruits take out the dirt of the stomach and intestines. The amount of fiber in these is high. Fruits should be preferred instead of juices. If you make a habit of it, then your stomach will be clean. Some people take too much at one go. Apart from this, you should make a habit of eating little by little throughout the day. This improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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