Easy Trip planner share price skyrockted more than 17 per cent on NSE (National Stock Exchanage), after company’s former CEO prashant pitti revealed he is not unloading his entire stake.

The shares of Easy Trip Planners went on to touch the day high level of Rs 18.25 per share on the Indian bourses, after hitting the opening bell at the same level as day high level.

Easy trip planner shares were trading at Rs 16.32 per share on the stock exchanges with a surge of 5.22 per cent amounting to a Rs 0.81 per share on the indian bourses.

Chairman confirmed on social media

As chairman, Pitti will concentrate on directing global operations and forming the company’s future, he stated on X on Monday.

‘There is no promoter selling,’ he confirmed, adding that big things are on the horizon.

Since its founding, it has operated profitably using a no-convenience-fee business model. committed to expanding internationally and breaking into new markets like luxury and corporate travel,’ he stated.

Promoter decreased his shareholding

In an open market deal, Pitti sold a 1.4 per cent stake in Easy Trip Planners on December 31 for Rs 78.32 crore. Additionally, he resigned from his position as CEO, citing personal reasons.

CEO’s resignation

‘I, Nishant Pitti, Chairman and CEO of Easy Trip Planners Limited, hereby tender my resignation from the position of CEO due to personal reasons with effect from January 01, 2025,’ Pitti wrote in his letter of resignation. Please acknowledge receipt of this resignation, accept it, and remove me from my position as CEO of the company.’

‘EaseMyTrip is growing rapidly thanks to a talented staff and Rikant’s inspiring leadership. I have carefully limited my share sale and affirmed that I will not be making any more sales in order to uphold your trust. I appreciate your steadfast support. We will succeed even more if we work together, the greatest is still to come,’ he continued.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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