Throat pain is a common problem, which can occur at any age. Especially in the changing season, this problem is seen more. When there is a pain in the throat, there is a difficulty in eating and drinking and swallowing. This problem can usually be easily cured with home remedies. If you are also having severe pain in the throat, then try these simple and effective home remedies.

6 effective home remedies to get relief from throat pain

Gargle with hot water and salt

The easiest way to reduce throat pain and inflammation is to gargle by adding salt in warm water.
How to do?
Add half a teaspoon of salt to half a glass of warm water and dissolve.
Gargle for 30 seconds and then spit the water.
Doing this 3-4 times a day will give relief to the throat.

Drink hot things (honey, lemon, tea, broth)

Warm liquids calm the sore throat and help reduce pain.
What to drink
Hot water of honey and lemon
Herbal tea
Hot soup or broth

Suck throat medicine or hard candy

Suck hard candy or lodging to maintain moisture in the throat.
This increases the production of saliva, which reduces the dryness of the throat.
Mint or herbal flavored candy provides even more comfort to the throat.

Relax voice

If the throat is strangled due to speaking or singing, then it is necessary to relax the voice.
Avoid speaking more, shouting or talking in a loud voice.
To cure the throat quickly, consume light lukewarm water.

Eat honey

Honey has natural antibacterial properties, which calms the sore throat and help reduce cough.
How to take
Drink 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water or tea.
Eating 1 teaspoon of honey before sleeping provides relief to the throat.

Take steam (get relief from steam)

Taking steam causes the throat phlegm to loose and relieve pain.
How to take
Take hot water in a vessel and add a few drops of wicks or eucalyptus oil to it.
Cover the head with a towel and steam and fill deep breaths.
By doing this 2-3 times a day, the throat will get quick relief.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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