Many times the roof of the house, bee and wasp in the walls or corners make their hive, which keeps the danger. If they are teased, there is a fear of stinging, and if left, they can cause trouble to stay in the house. Usually people try to get rid of them by smoking, but this method can be risky because it can cause bees and attack.
If you want to remove bee and wasp honeycomb with safety, then some easy and effective methods are mentioned here:
Remove the hive with the help of petrol
What is needed: a small transparent bucket or box and a little petrol.
How to do:
- Fill half or less petrol in the bucket, so that there is a slightly empty space inside.
- Now gently place the bucket over the hive and cover the hive.
- In a while, the bees will faint and if the hive is shaken lightly, the bees will fall into the petrol and end.
- After this, remove the hive from a thin, sharp thing and drop it in petrol.
- Caution: Cover the face and hands during this time, so that bees bites can be avoided.
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Burn egg crate (If you do not want to harm bees)
What to: Egg Carton
How to do:
- To drive away the bees, burn the egg crate under their hive.
- The smoke and smell that rise from it will make the bees run away.
- When the bees go away, remove the empty hive and throw it away.
- Caution: Do not do this process in closed place, so that there is no problem with smoke.
Use a strong smell spray or oil
What to do: Peppermint oil, neem oil, garlic spray or vinegar.
How to do:
- Spraying of strong odor oil or spray to remove bees from their hive.
- The bees do not like the smell of peppermint oil and neem oil, so that they themselves will run away and run away.
- You can also make a natural spray by mixing garlic and vinegar, which spray near the hive.
Choose the right time to remove hive at night
What to do:
- Bees are less active at night, so the best time to remove hive is night.
- The hive can be removed easily by adopting any safe method at night.
- Caution: During this time, wear helmets, gloves and full sleeve clothes, so that the attack of bees can be avoided.
Precautions that are necessary:
Wear full sleeve clothes and gloves while removing the hive.
Cover the face with a mask or cloth, so that the bees do not cut.
If the hive is very large or the danger is high, seek professional help.
After removing the hive, clean its place thoroughly, so that the bees do not come there again.
If the hive of bees or sats is made repeatedly in your house, then spray peppermint oil, neem oil or vinegar regularly. This will not make bees again at that place.