Due to today’s fast-paced life and unhealthy lifestyle, many diseases are becoming common, in which diabetes is a major problem. Excessive intake of fast food and lack of physical activity can cause many problems in the body. People of all ages are now suffering from diabetes, because it does not produce insulin properly and increases blood sugar levels. Early symptoms often appear in the hands and feet, so they should always be cautious towards them.

Effect on hands and feet and other organs:

High blood sugar can affect important organs like hands, feet, kidney and eyes. Problems related to hands and legs can be serious signs, which should not be ignored.

Cramps in hands and feet:

Diabetic neuropathy can cause tightness in hands and feet and tightness in muscles. Symptoms of the skin around the fingers can also appear thick and hardening, which makes the fingers difficult to bend. The skin of forearm and upper arms can also be affected. Sometimes large, painless blisters can also occur on the hands.

Infection on hands:

If you have repeated skin infections on your hands, it may be one of the early symptoms of diabetes. This infection may cause irritation, swelling, pain and itching with small grains. In such cases it is necessary to contact a doctor immediately.

Foot pain and swelling:

Constant leg pain, tingling, numbness or burning sensation can also be symptoms of diabetes. Apart from this, diabetes also negatively affect the digestive system, urinary tract and heart health.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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