Massaging your ears daily is a simple but effective technique, which can relieve many of your health problems. Whether you have the problem of whistling in the ears, headache, or need relief from stress, proper ear massage can provide relief from all these problems. Know the correct way of massaging the ears and its benefits.
How to massage ears?
Lightly massaging the ear and its surrounding areas stimulates the nervous system, which provides many health benefits.
- V Shape Massage:
- Make a V shape with the index and middle fingers.
- Massage the ears gently by placing them between the two fingers.
- Gently rub the earlobes and back of the ear.
- Press Acupressure Points:
- Apply light pressure on the acupressure points behind and inside the ears.
- It stimulates the nervous system and reduces stress.
Benefits of ear massage
1. Relief from the problem of whistling in the ears
If a continuous whistling sound is heard in the ears, then massaging with light hands can gradually reduce this problem. Also, hearing ability may also improve.
2. Stress and tension are reduced
present behind the ears vagus nerve And massaging the acupressure points of the ear has a positive effect on the nervous system. It reduces stress and anxiety and provides relaxation.
3. Removes lethargy and fatigue
If you feel lethargic and tired throughout the day, then massaging your ears every morning and evening will make your body feel energetic.
4. Relief from headache
Massaging the ears daily provides relief from migraine and common headaches. It increases blood flow and gives relief from pain.
5. Mental peace and focus increases
by massaging the ears endorphin hormone Is secreted, which relaxes the mind and increases focus.