On November 30, singer Dua Lipa surprised fans during her recent Mumbai concert by performing the viral mashup of Levitating and Woh Ladki Jo. After several videos went viral, Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s son Jay Bhattacharya took to social media to criticise him for overlooking his father’s contribution to the iconic song and mentioned that Woh Ladki Jo is “not about SRK” but is a creation of his father and Anu Malik.
Abhijeet has commented on the Levitating x Woh Ladki Jo controversy, stating that Dua should have credited the mashup during her concert. Speaking to News18, the singer revealed that the audience was surprised when they heard the viral mashup during her performance. He shared that the audience couldn’t see the video but only heard the song and that it was where the war began as Dua made no acknowledgement of the mashup.
He added, “She does not know that a singer is different, the person who acts on that song is different, the dancer is different, and the person who creates the song is different. The writer is different; the producer is different.”
Further, he said that he does not care who Dua Lipa is. “She can take my name or not but when she performed it on stage, I was flooded with all the calls. People heard it. She cannot even name anyone, pronunciation would be wrong. What difference does it make? On the contrary, it made the song even more popular. It was popular before and it is popular even today,” he added.
The singer added that netizens are giving Shah Rukh Khan the credit for the viral mashup as the original song Woh Ladki Jo is from his film Baadshah, while some are giving him credit, for singing the track.
“People are fighting among themselves. Someone is loyal to me, someone is loyal to him (SRK), but we don’t care. I am very happy that the song is going very well. We do not care if we are getting credit or not, people are at least listening to our song,” he concluded.