Lip care tips for winter: Almost everyone is troubled by the problem of cracked lips in winter. The skin of the lips is thinner and more sensitive than the skin of the face. As the cold increases, the skin of the lips starts becoming drier. Due to which the skin of the lips cracks quickly. Once the skin on the lips becomes dry, it cracks and starts bleeding and becoming painful. Many people apply lip balm and other things on their lips but still the problem of lips does not go away.


If your lips crack and skin becomes dry in winter, try this home remedy. These home remedies are such that they will not cost you anything and the problem of chapped lips will also go away.

Home remedies for chapped lips


If the skin of your lips is very dry in winter then apply honey on it. Applying honey on lips reduces dryness. Honey contains moisturizing agents that add moisture to the skin of the lips. Applying honey also provides relief from pain and dry lips. Apply honey on the lips and massage gently for 5 minutes. After this, dip your face in warm water and clean your lips. By doing this two to three times a day, chapped lips will become as soft as rose petals.


coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer. It keeps skin, hair and lips soft in winter. Coconut oil proves to be very beneficial for these problems. Coconut oil contains fatty acids that nourish the skin and speed up the healing process. If you heat coconut oil slightly and apply it on the lips, the dryness of the lips will go away.


cucumber juice

Like applying cucumber juice on the face, applying it on the lips is also beneficial. Eating cucumber daily will also benefit the skin. Apart from this, you can also mix a little honey in cucumber juice and apply it on the lips. Keep this mixture warm for 15 minutes and then wash it with water.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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