A man, said to be drunk, lost track of a wedding procession in Uttar Pradesh and ended up knocking the door of a house in Deoria. The person lost his path when the procession nearly arrived at a local marriage hall in the Tarkulwa village of Deoria, having started from Gorakhpur on Wednesday night. The wedding guest wandered alone and reached out to a house in the village, which made people suspect him to be a thief.
When he knocked on the door of a house in Deoria, people screamed alerting others about a thief in the area. They mistook the wedding guest as a thief and shouted in fear.
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It was reported that the confusion might have taken place due to a recent theft that took place only a day ago in the area.
The villagers caught hold of him to beat him up. It was only later identified as a case of wrong identification. Until then, the wedding guest, who lost his way from the celebration, was attacked with kicks and punches.
A video from the incident, shared by showed the UP man being tied to an electric pole, where the mob hit it. Bystanders only filmed the scene instead of figuring out the truth behind the man’s identity and intentions.
Soon, police was alerted to take charge. The man was injured during the incident, following which he was treated for his wounds. He was handed over his family which came to collect him.
Similar incident
This doesn’t happen to be the first incident of its kind where the people of Deoria thrashed a person badly. In September this year, a couple was tied to a tree and beaten up with a heated iron rod. Again, the reason was people suspecting the duo to be thieves.
It was learned that the act was soon condemned and the police took note of it, registering a case against those who engaged in assaulting the two people. Including the former village leader, five persons were detained in the matter for further action by the Surouli police.