Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal is busy sharpening his political strategies these days. On one hand he has to bring Aam Aadmi Party back to power in Delhi, on the other hand he also has to pay special attention to his prestigious seat New Delhi. On Saturday evening, during the campaign in New Delhi area, Arvind Kejriwal fiercely targeted his opponents and gave direct messages to the public.

Targeted on allegations of vote buying

Arvind Kejriwal made serious allegations against BJP candidate Pravesh Verma during the campaign. He said that BJP is trying to buy voters. According to him, efforts are being made to get votes for women by giving them Rs 1100-1100.

Kejriwal appealed to the public in a street meeting:
“I say, don’t vote for me. Vote for whoever you want. But don’t vote for someone who is trying to buy your vote for Rs 1100.”

Kejriwal alleged that bedsheets were being distributed to senior officers in Kidwai Nagar, and in several videos the officers were protesting against this act. He sarcastically said that whatever bedsheet, blanket, jacket or shoes you get, keep it, but do not sell your vote.

Praise for Sheila Dikshit and attack on her opponents

Arvind Kejriwal remembered his rival, late former Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, and praised her during the campaign. He said,
“The people here are educated and civilized. Before me, Sheela ji used to contest elections from here. She was a decent and good leader. “She used to contest elections with dignity.”

However, this is the same Kejriwal who had made serious allegations of corruption against Sheila Dikshit in the 2013 elections and came to power by defeating her.

Triangular contest on New Delhi seat

This time the contest on New Delhi seat is very interesting. BJP’s Pravesh Verma and Sheila Dikshit’s son Sandeep Dikshit are in the fray against Kejriwal. This triangular contest is making New Delhi Assembly constituency special.

made voters aware

Kejriwal appealed to the public to understand the importance of voting. He said:
“Our vote is very valuable. Don’t let it sell. “Those who are trying to buy votes by giving money, sheets or other things will not be seen after February 5.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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