Univid skin tone is a common problem, which can affect the beauty of the face. In this situation, the skin of some parts is more deep, while other parts are light. You can use a simple and effective home face pack to deal with this problem. Let’s know how to make and how to make it.

Method of making face pack for univid skin tone


  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 tomato (pulp)
  • Half lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Method of preparation:

  1. First, boil the rice in water. When the rice is cooked well, let them cool down.
  2. Blend cold rice mixed with water and make a thick paste.
  3. Remove this paste in a bowl.
  4. Now mix tomato pulp, half lemon juice, and honey in the paste.
  5. Mix all the ingredients well. Your face pack is ready.

How to put face pack

  1. First clean your face thoroughly. For this you can use face wash or any cleanser. If you avoid chemical products, wash the face with water and wipe it lightly.
  2. Dip a cotton into milk and clean the entire face thoroughly.
  3. Apply a prepared face pack on the clean face and leave it for at least 15 minutes.

How to remove face pack

  1. Check before removing the face pack whether it has dried well or not.
  2. If dried, wet your hands and clean the pack by massaging the facial circular motion.
  3. Finally, wash your face with fresh water and tone with rose water.

By regular use of this domestic face pack, you can improve the unique skin tone and enhance your skin.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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