A snake has recently been found in Assam’s Nalbari district whose appearance looks like a dog. Do you feel strange to hear? But this is not a rumor, but a scientific discovery that not only surprised the common people, but has also forced experts to think.

This snake is named Cerberus RynchopsWhich in common language Dog-face snake Is being said This has been seen for the first time in Northeast India and sensation has spread throughout the region regarding its presence. People are coming to see it from far and wide and its pictures are becoming viral on social media.

The area where this snake has been found is about 800 km from the sea. In such a situation, the question arises that how did a sea snake reach the plains so far?

From sea to forest: The plains reached due to floods

It is being told that this snake is found in seaside areas, especially in mangroves and saltwater areas. Experts believe that due to the recent floods in Assam, this snake would have flowed to the inner parts of the forest.

It was seen in floodgrounds near Garaimara village. The interesting thing is that earlier this species was seen in the western and southern coastal states of India like Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Andaman and Nicobar.

This incident has forced scientists to think whether these changes are signs of climate change? Or is this snake the ability to mold itself in any environment?

3. Connection or anything to Bangladesh?

Where this snake has been found, the place is not far away from Chittagong Division and Sonadia Island in Bangladesh. Because of this, some experts believe that this snake may have flowed from Bangladesh to the border of Assam.

Although no concrete evidence has been found behind it so far, this possibility is being expressed. The journey of this snake remains mysterious and scientists are doing more research to understand it.

Such a snake was also seen earlier in Mumbai

This is not the first time Serberus Rignacops have been seen. In November 2023, a similar dog -like snake was found in Mumbai. Even at that time, people experienced both fear and surprise to see it.

Even then, scientists described it as rare and unique, but then it was found near the beach – which is considered to be a natural habitat. But its presence in Assam has shocked everyone, as this area is far from its normal habitat.

Scientists are also surprised: Serberus Rignacops became a puzzle

Serberus rhincops are not a common snake. It is mild toxic and stays in saltwater and hunts small creatures like fish and canks. Its most interesting specialty is the strategy of hunting its hunting – it remains calm in the water and attacks the hunting at the speed of electricity as soon as it gets the right opportunity.

This snake is commonly found in mangroves, coastal mud plains and river mouths of South and South-East Asia. But now its presence has been seen in an area like Assam, which has raised many new questions in front of scientists.

Snake expert Jayaditya Purkayastha and his team have discovered this snake. He said that the presence of this snake was recorded in the flood grounds in Garemara village of Nalbari district. Their discovery The Journal of Reptiles & Empibans Has been published in

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Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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