Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives star Shalini Passi recently revealed that she lost sensation in her spine and legs after giving birth to her son, Robin Passi, at the age of 20. Shalini, who is married to billionaire businessman Sanjay Passi and has a 27-year-old son, Robin, shared that her doctor advised her against wearing heels or dancing.

In a chat with Hauterrfly, Shalini said, My doctor said, ‘You will have to get an injection in your spine for the rest of your life,” because I lost all sensation in my spine and legs.”

“He also said you can’t wear heels and you can’t dance. So I just got up and left. I just sat in my car and left for my dance class. I said I have to dance, I love dancing and I love wearing heels.”

Shalini shared that instead of following the doctor’s order and prescribed medicines, she started working on herself through alternate therapies. “With yoga, Ayurveda, exercise, and muscle training and strengthening, I strengthened my back. I still go to the same doctor. He is a great doctor. I have never gotten any medication from him, but I visit him every five months for my check-up.”

Further, she revealed that her doctor was also amazed at her recovery. “He says it’s a miracle that you fixed this. It’s a miracle that you can walk, wear heels, and dance,” Shalini shared.

Earlier, in an interview with Deepak Pareek, she said that she “grew up” with her son, Robin, and that her son was like her sibling at one point.

“I used to go to the toy store and get as excited as my son. I would take him to Disneyland and go mad on the rides with him. And then I used to tell him, ‘Robin, let’s do skating classes,’ I used to take him ice skating. So both of us are ice skating then I taught him skiing, scuba diving. We were like siblings. It is like we grew up together. For the longest time, he used to call me by my name and it is only now that he addresses me as his mom,” she added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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