A case of alleged theft of gold ornaments worth ₹3.49 lakh has been registered with the Park Site Police after a doctor from Vikhroli, Dr. Nikhil Sunil Pillai (27), suspected his household worker, Geeta Vishram Gadge, of committing the crime. The incident reportedly occurred on December 13, between 6:20 PM and 6:45 PM, at Dr. Pillai’s residence in Godrej Hillside Colony, Vikhroli (West).

According to the police, the Pillai family had hired Geeta Gadge through kaamwalibais.com on December 3, paying ₹8,850 for her services. Her duties included caregiving for the grandmother and cleaning.

On December 13, Dr. Pillai noticed his gold bracelet on the study table at 2:04 PM before leaving home at 5:30 PM with his sister. During their absence, only the grandmother and Geeta Gadge were at home. Later that evening, when Dr. Pillai returned at 11:45 PM, he found his bracelet missing from the table. Upon further inspection, the family discovered other gold ornaments missing from their locker, including two gold bracelets, two gold necklaces, and gold earrings.

Based on the timing and circumstances, the family suspects the theft was committed by the household worker. The Park Site Police have registered an FIR under Section 305(a) of the BNS Act against Geeta Gadge, and the police have initiated an investigation into the matter.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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