If you are also among those people who repeatedly stop urination due to being busy with work or laziness, then this habit can take a toll on your health. Frequent retention of urine can cause serious health problems in the body, including kidney problems, infections, and even damage to the bladder.
Let us know what harm this bad habit can cause to the body.
1. Risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) The habit of stopping urination can cause infection in your body.
Urine remains in the bladder for a long time, due to which bacteria start growing. This condition is the main cause of urinary tract infection (UTI). Problems like burning sensation while urinating, stomach pain and frequent urination may occur.
holding urine for a long time There is extra pressure on the bladder, which also affects the kidneys. This habit over a long period of time can cause permanent damage to your kidneys. This can cause serious problems like kidney infection and stones.
3. By repeatedly stopping urination The ability to function of the bladder may be reduced.
The muscles of the bladder start becoming weak. This condition can cause problems like overactive bladder or bladder failure. This also puts you at risk of losing control over urination.
4. Like stomach ache and constipation Problems: The habit of holding urine can cause heaviness and pain in the stomach. Additionally, it can also have a negative effect on the digestive system, causing problems like constipation and gas.
5. Accumulation of dirt in the body:
Dirt gets eliminated from the body through urination, but when you stop it, these toxins remain in the body, which can increase infections and other problems in the body.
What to do?
* Whenever you feel the urge to urinate, go immediately.
* drink plenty of water.
* If you have a habit of repeatedly stopping urination, consult a doctor immediately.