Yoga Asanas for Belly Fat: Everyone is worried about increasing belly fat in winter. Because in winter, due to cold, movement becomes less and food also has to be eaten in large quantities. Therefore, most of the weight gain is seen around the abdomen. This belly fat has a great impact on your health. Besides, it is also very harmful for your heart. So these 3 yoga asanas can be useful for you to reduce belly fat.

Do these 3 yoga asanas early in the morning in winter, belly fat will reduce rapidly 2- Image


Bhujangasana is most effective in reducing belly fat. Besides, this yoga asana strengthens your stomach muscles and also improves your digestive system. Bhujangasana is also called cobra pose.

How to do Bhujangasana?

– First of all, sit on the floor and lie down on your stomach. Then take a deep breath and slowly raise your head, chest and stomach, keeping the navel on the ground.

– Then pull the upper part of your body backwards with the help of hands.

– Take the position in such a way that there is equal weight on both the palms.

– If possible, bend the back as much as possible and keep the arms straight.

Then slowly exhale and bring your stomach, chest and head back to the ground.

What precautions should be taken in Bhujangasana?

Do not do this asana during pregnancy. Apart from this, one should not do this asana if there is any injury in the wrist or ribs or any long-term illness or spinal cord disease or any fracture or bulge problem in the back.

Do these 3 yoga asanas early in the morning in winter, belly fat will reduce rapidly 3- Image


Dhanurasana is a posture in which you make a bow-like sign. Doing this strengthens the back and increases flexibility. Besides this, mental stress also goes away. One of its benefits is that it increases digestion power.

How to do Dhanurasana?

– First of all, lie down with your face on the ground. Keep both the feet together. Now bend the legs towards the torso and place the leaves above the hips. Hold the ankles with the hand on that side.

– Now pull both the legs with a strong grip of both the hands and simultaneously lift the torso from the front till the navel and bend the body. Tilt your head back and look towards the sky.

– At this time only the part of the body about four fingers above and below the navel will touch the ground. The thighs and other parts of the abdomen will be above the ground. And both the legs will be in line with the head i.e. not bent or bent.

– Start with five-seven seconds and hold the asana for 300 seconds and then release the asana in the reverse order.

What precautions should be taken in Dhanurasana?

Be careful not to overextend the muscles while performing the exercises. Also the last posture is when the toe touches the ear. Don’t bow your head. Try to touch the head with the toes.

Do these 3 yoga asanas early in the morning in winter, belly fat will reduce rapidly 4- Image


Pawanmuktasana also provides many health benefits. It is also called ‘Wind Releasing Pose’ and ‘Gas Releasing Pose’. Pawanmuktasana is a posture that helps in reducing your belly fat. It also strengthens the stomach muscles and improves your digestive system.

How to do Pawanmuktasana?

– First of all lie down on the ground. Then move both the legs from the torso towards the stomach.

Then join both hands and lock them on the knees and move the bearded part towards the knees. After this, wait for a few seconds and first keep the head on the ground.

– Then keep the hands in the original position on the ground near the waist. Finally straighten both the legs and take them to the original position towards the ground.

What precautions should be taken while doing Pawanmuktasana?

A person suffering from cervical pain, minor abdominal surgery, extreme pain in the knees, high blood pressure or sciatica should not do this asana.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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