In today’s busy life, staying fit has become everyone’s priority. Especially reducing belly fat is the biggest challenge. Excess fat not only affects your personality but can also cause many health problems.

If you too are unable to find time to lose weight, then these two easy 10-minute exercises before sleeping can prove to be effective for you.

1. Leg Raises
This is an exercise that deeply works the lower abdominal region. Lifting legs strengthens the abdominal muscles and helps in reducing fat. Apart from this, this exercise also tones your back and hips. To do this, lie down on your back on the floor. Now keep both the hands at the side and keep the legs straight. Then now slowly raise the legs, so that the body comes in ‘L’ shape. After this slowly bring the leg down. Make sure your feet do not touch the ground. Repeat this process 10-12 times.

2. Plank Hold
Plank is an exercise that strengthens the entire body and helps burn calories. Doing this affects the muscles of the stomach, back, shoulders and arms. It not only helps in reducing fat but also speeds up metabolism. To do this, lie down on your stomach and lift your body up with the help of your elbows and toes. Then keep the body straight from head to heels. Wait in this position for 20-30 seconds. Now gradually increase the time and try to hold it for 1-2 minutes.

Benefits and Precautions
Both of these exercises are simple and can be done without any equipment. By doing this regularly, you will start feeling the difference within a few weeks. However, along with exercise, a balanced diet and adequate sleep are also important. If belly fat is bothering you, include these two exercises in your night routine today and enjoy fitness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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