Formula milk is sometimes necessary for a newborn baby. Doctors recommend giving it when the mother’s milk is not enough, the child is not able to do breastfeeding or the mother’s health is not good. The formula is rich in milk nutrition and helps in the growth of the baby. But many parents make two big mistakes while making it, which reduces the nutrition of milk and can prove to be harmful for the child. Let’s know what two mistakes they are and what is the right way.
1) Do not make this mistake in dissolving formula milk
Often many mothers first add formula milk powder to the bottle or glass and then add water to it. But this method is completely wrong.
What is the harm?
- The right amount of milk is not ready – by adding the formula milk powder first, it surrounds the place in the bottle. After this, when water is poured, it becomes difficult to measure its correct amount. This can make milk very thick or very thin.
- Thick milk can be harmful – more thick milk can cause heaviness in the baby’s stomach, which can cause diarrhea or constipation.
- Thin milk can reduce nutrition – If the water is added more, the milk becomes thin and the baby does not get the right nutrition, which can affect its growth.
The right way: First add lukewarm water to the bottle, then add the formula milk powder and mix.
2) Do not shake the formula milk in the bottle
Often parents mix formula milk by shake (shaking), but also wrong way.
What is the harm?
- Bubbles (foam) start forming in the bottle, due to which the child also takes the air inside while drinking milk.
- It can increase the problem of gas and colic (abdominal pain).
- Excess foam milk can cause irritation and discomfort in the baby’s stomach.
The correct way: To mix the formula milk, move slowly and shake, so that the milk is mixed well and does not make foam.
These problems can be caused by wrongly made formula milk
Thick milk → diarrhea, constipation and stomach heaviness
Thin milk → Low neutrition, weak immunity and growth blockage
Foam milk → gas, abdominal pain and colic problem
The right way to make formula milk
First of all add lukewarm water to the bottle.
Then add the right amount of formula milk powder to it.
Now shake the bottle slowly rotating round, but do not shake loudly.
When the milk dissolves well, drink it to the baby.
If you take care of these small things, then the baby will get the right nutrition and his health will be better.