Whether it is cold or summer, refrigerators are definitely used in homes. We keep most of the things in the refrigerator to keep food and beverages fresh for a long time. Many fruits and vegetables are also fresh in the refrigerator for several days. However, there are some fruits that should never be kept in the fridge. Actually, there are some fruits that get spoiled when kept in the fridge and sometimes they can be poisonous. In such a situation, you should avoid keeping anything in the fridge without thinking. At the moment, today we are telling you about a few selected fruits which should be avoided in the fridge under any circumstances.

Do not keep the banana in the fridge.
Banana is a fruit that is eaten almost throughout the year. People often bring a lot of bananas at home. They are kept in a refrigerator to prevent them from getting spoiled early. However, bananas should never be kept in the fridge. Actually, if the banana is kept in the fridge, it deteriorates quickly. Ethylene gas comes out of its stalks, which helps in ripening other fruits. In such a situation, no other fruit should be kept with bananas.

Never keep oranges in the fridge
Like bananas, oranges should also be avoided in the fridge. Not only oranges but other citrus fruits like lemon, seasonal, strawberry etc. should not be kept in the fridge. Actually, the amount of acid in these fruits is very high, so they are unable to tolerate the cold of the fridge and start drying slowly. Apart from this, the acid present in them is also not good for other fruits. In such a situation, do not store these fruits in the fridge at all.

How to store apple and how to fresh them - Business Insider

The apple should not be kept in the fridge.
To keep the apple fresh for a long time, if you keep them in the fridge, change your habit. Apple is also a fruit that should not be kept in the fridge at all. Actually, apples have active enzymes, due to which apples cook very quickly. Apart from this, they can also spoil other fruits kept in the fridge quickly. If for some reason you have to keep the apple in the fridge, always keep it wrapped in paper.

Keeping watermelon in the fridge can be dangerous.
Who does not like to eat cold watermelon during the summer season. But do not make the mistake of keeping the watermelon in the fridge to cool. Actually, if the watermelon is kept in the fridge for a long time, then the nutrients present in it can end. Sometimes it can also be harmful to your health. Especially when you keep the chopped watermelon in the fridge, bacteria start growing on it, which is not good for your health.


Do not keep the fruits in the fridge with pulp.
Purple fruits, especially mangoes, litchi, avocado, kiwi etc. should not be kept in the refrigerator. Keeping them in the fridge can reduce the antioxidants and other nutrients present in them. In addition, they are always in the ripening process, so sometimes they can deteriorate quickly. In such a situation, it is better to store them in a cold place other than the fridge.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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