A disturbing video has surfaced online allegedly from Russia’s capital city Moscow, in which a young woman can be seen placing a toddler on a bed and kicking him hard with her foot.
The 9-second short clip shows two women and a child. The clip shows one of the women exiting the frame while the other woman kicks the child with force. The kid, who appears to be crying, falls down on the bed after being kicked. The heartless woman then can be seen dancing without even looking at the wailing child.
TW: Visuals In the Video Might Be Disturbing To Some Readers, Viewers Discretion Advised.
According to claims made by social media users, the women “abused a child who was disrupting their party.”
It is also being claimed that the ruthless woman kicked the child only because she thought that her act would turn into an “impressive” TikTok video. However, the exact location and time when the video was shot remain unclear.
According to news reports, after the video went viral, the Russian police took cognizance of the video and have launched a probe to identify and arrest the culprits.
The video has stirred outrage on social media, with users demanding strict action against the accused. “This is horrifying. There’s no excuse for such cruelty. The perpetrators must face justice,” said one user.
Expressing anger over the woman’s behavior, a second user said, “She would’ve seen the back of my hand, and I wouldn’t let go of that little guy all night. Name a worse crime than that against children.”