Mumbai: On December 21, around 9:30 pm, two unidentified people opened fire at a jewelers shop in Shahpur, Thane with the intention of theft. In this incident, a 25-year-old employee who was closing the shop and the shop owner were injured. The employee died in the firing incident while the shop owner is undergoing treatment in the hospital for serious injuries. However, even after a week of this incident, the police has not been able to reach the accused, due to which the business class here along with the police has submitted a complaint letter. Also demanded to arrest the accused as soon as possible and threatened to protest if this is not done. 25-year-old Dinesh Chaudhary, who has been working in a jewelery shop named Mahalakshmi Jewelers in Shahpur for many years, and the shop owner Dinesh Kumar were going home after closing the shop as usual on the night of 21 December. He had a bag in his hand at that time, so the accused thought that it might contain gold and intended to steal it. Two youths riding a bike openly snatched the bag from his hand and during this struggle, the shop employee died after being shot in the stomach, while the owner is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital due to his injuries. When cash amounting to Rs 6 lakh 55 thousand was kept in the bag for payment, the accused snatched it.

There is anger among the business class due to serious questions being raised on the safety of businessmen and the accused of such a big incident roaming freely. Also, to get justice, the business community gathered on Saturday and many officials and leaders including Thane District Superintendent of Police Dr. Swamy and Thane MLA Sanjay Kelkar, Thane Merchant Association Vice President Maganbhai Thakkar, Rajasthan Vikas Manch’s Kapurji Ramawat visited. Along with this, a petition was also given demanding to arrest the accused as soon as possible and take strict action. The traders have also demanded strict measures and increased police patrolling for the safety of traders in Shahpur and surrounding areas. At the same time, the police also told the traders that a team of 31 police has been formed to solve this matter. Besides, the footage of CCTV cameras installed outside many places and shops is also being examined. However, the police say that the quality of CCTV cameras is not very good, hence the pictures of the accused are coming out blurry. Therefore, the police has appealed to the traders to install good quality cameras inside and outside the shops, so that the police can also get help and the action can also be expedited.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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