Khushi Kapoor, daughter of late Bollywood actress Sridevi, is in the news these days for her upcoming film ‘Lavayapa’. In this film, Khushi will be seen sharing the screen with Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan. Both Star Kids are busy promoting the film these days.

Khushi is also in the discussion about her professional life as well as personal life. His name has long been being linked to the speculation of dating with Vedang Raina, co-star of his ‘The Archies’. However, recently Khushi spoke openly on her love life.

What did Khushi say on love life?

In an interview to Connect Cine during the promotion of ‘Lavayapa’, Khushi shared interesting things on her love life. During the Rapid-Fire segment, when asked which romantic moment she would like to capture the phone camera, Khushi replied:

“Not necessarily, but if I have to choose a moment, I would like to capture the proposal.”

No proposal was received from anyone yet

When it was pleased with happiness whether he found someone’s proposal memorable, he revealed:

“No one has proposed me yet.”

In this conversation, Khushi did not name Vedang Raina anywhere. However, there are rumors that Khushi and Vedang are dating.

Khushi and Vedang: Truth of rumors

  • Khushi and Vedang have often been seen together in events together.
  • Recently, Vedang, Khushi’s pajamas attended the birthday party.
  • Vedang was seen posing with Khushi’s father Boney Kapoor and his special friends.

However, Khushi and Vedang have never publicly commented on their dating rumors.

Khushi’s film ‘Lavayapa’

Khushi and Junaid Khan will be seen together for the first time in the film ‘Lavayapa’. The film is considered a big break for both star kids. Khushi is drawing fans in both personal and professional life with the beginning of her film career.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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