Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A day after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided Jayshree Gayatri Food Products Private Limited on Wednesday, the wife of the company’s director, Kishan Modi, attempted suicide. Payal Modi allegedly consumed poison at her Shahpura residence in Bhopal on Thursday evening.

She is undergoing treatment at a private hospital. Before consuming poison, Payal left a suicide note mentioning the names of some people associated with Union Minister Chirag Paswan’s Lok Janshakti Party and held them responsible.

In the suicide note, Payal wrote, “Chandraprakash Pandey and his brother Vedprakash Pandey of LJP had committed theft in our company. A case was also registered regarding this, but the duo escaped using their political influence. As a result, EOW, FSSAI, CGST, and now ED are taking action against our company.

“My husband, Kishan Modi, has also received death threats several times. The constant harassment has left me with no choice but to kill myself.”

Payal mentioned the names of Sunil Tripathi, Bhagwan Singh Mewada, and Hitesh Punjabi in the suicide note.

Notably, ED, on Wednesday, conducted raids in premises related to Jayshree Gayatri Food across Bhopal, Sehore and Morena districts. It found documents related to property and immovable assets worth Rs 66 crore.

The raids came after complaints alleging involvement the company of exporting adulterated milk and forging lab reports.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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