Mumbai: Even before the shooting of the film ‘King’ with Shahrukh Khan’s daughter started, its director has changed. Earlier Sujoy Ghosh was to direct this film, but now this responsibility has been given to Siddharth Anand. Shahrukh’s ‘Pathan’ was directed by Siddharth Anand. Siddharth is considered an expert in directing action films. Earlier, Siddharth Anand was decided to be the guide for the action scenes in the film, but now he has taken the entire direction in his hands.
This is another big change in the film. The film’s story was initially thought to star Suhana Khan in the lead role and Shah Rukh to appear only in an extended cameo. However, Shahrukh later decided to play the lead role himself to make his daughter’s film successful on the big screen.
Abhishek Bachchan is also in an important role in this film. Preparations for this film of Shahrukh have been going on for the last six months. Path-breaking action sequences have also been prepared in this film with international level stunt directors. The shooting of the film will start in 2025.