Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh’s “Dil Luminati Tour-2024” concert was held at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, but the concert got embroiled in controversy. Diljit is accused of promoting alcohol and drugs in his songs. Panditrao Dharanwar, Assistant Professor, Chandigarh, objected to this, calling it a violation of the 2019 orders of the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Objection to songs promoting alcohol and drugs

The Women and Child Development Department had already issued a notice to the District Commissioner of Ludhiana, asking Diljit to be stopped from singing songs containing alcohol and drugs. Despite this, songs like “Panj Taare Theke,” “Kes,” and “Patiala Peg” were presented in the concert with slight changes. Panditrao Dharanwar said that such songs have a negative impact on the youth, especially minors.

Fine has been imposed in Chandigarh also

Recently, a fine of Rs 15 lakh was imposed on Diljit Dosanjh and his team on charges of noise pollution at a concert held in Chandigarh. The level of noise pollution in this concert was more than the prescribed limit.

Why was the concert organized in Ludhiana?

The New Year show was to be held in Goa, but recently Diljit Dosanjh met Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann. On the request of the Chief Minister, the show was organized in Ludhiana. The Chief Minister himself kept taking information about this event.

preparing to go to court

The Women and Child Development Department said that if action is not taken in this matter then they will approach the court.

This case raises questions about what the responsibilities of performers should be at public events and how important is the impact of their performances on youth.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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