Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh, who is currently busy with his Dil-Luminati Tour across India, took some time out and paid a visit to the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, on Tuesday morning. The singer-actor sought blessings of Lord Shiva at the reverred temple along with his team members.
In a video that has now gone viral, Diljit can be seen sitting right at the front and participating in the first aarti of the day at the Mahakaleshwar temple. He wore a traditional white outfit and matching turban as he reached the temple in the wee hours of Tuesday. He, along with his team, also witnessed the ‘bhasma aarti’ and prayed in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.
The temple authorities later presented Diljit with a shawl and the singer was seen spending time inside the temple premises, before finally taking off from there.
Diljit performed in Indore on December 8, and ahead of it, he was seen touring across the city and gorging on some of the most scrumptious food items, including the famed Indori poha. He performed for a jampacked venue and during the concert, he also grabbed eyeballs after he sent out a strong message to his haters.
Reciting a verse by the legendary Rahat Indori, Diljit roared, “Sabhi ka khoon hai iss mitti mein shamil, kisi ke baap ka Hindustan thodi hai!”
Ahead of his concert, members of several Hindu fringe groups, led by Bajrang Dal, stormed the venue and protested against the sale of liquor and meet in the area.
Meanwhile, Diljit will next perform in Chandigarh on December 14, followed by Mumbai on December 19, and he will conclude the Dil-Luminati Tour in India with his final performance in Guwahati on December 29.