Nowadays diabetes has become a common problem growing worldwide. Wrong diet, stress and poor lifestyle are the main reasons. This disease is rapidly engulfing the elderly as well as the youth. It is not possible to completely eliminate diabetes, but it can be controlled by adopting the right catering and lifestyle. Usually people depend on medicines to control blood sugar, but it can also be easily managed by adopting some home remedies. Especially by making some changes in breakfast, you can keep blood sugar level under control throughout the day.

These three special breakfast can be beneficial for diabetes patients:

  1. Lentil

    Masoor dal is particularly beneficial for diabetes patients. Due to its glycemic index, it keeps blood sugar level stable. It is also rich in protein and fiber, which are very important for digestive system and health. So include a cheela of lentil lentils in breakfast in the morning.

  2. Drumstick

    Drumstick is considered extremely effective for diabetes. It is also called a super plant because it has antifungal, antiviral, anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory properties. The nutrients present in the drumstick are beneficial for blood sugar as well as heart health. Include parathas prepared with drumstick leaves in the morning regularly in breakfast.

  3. Roasted Oats and Dry Fruits

    Oats can prove to be a better snack for diabetes patients. It contains a good amount of fiber, which keeps blood sugar under control. Along with this, intake of limited amounts of roasted almonds, pistachios, walnuts and peanuts is also beneficial. These dry fruits also provide essential nutrients to the body.

By adopting these healthy options for breakfast, you can control diabetes in a natural way and live a healthy life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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