Bollywood actress Dia Mirza, who primarily works in Hindi films, will turn 43 on Monday, December 9. On the occasion of her special day, here’s a look at some of her best films and series available on OTT:
Dhak Dhak is a road adventure film where Dia Mirza plays Uzma, a biker who secretly learns how to be a skilled mechanic. The film is available on JioCinema and Netflix
Bheed is a social drama film where Dia Mirza plays Geetanjali, a single mother from the privileged class of society. The film is available on Netflix
Kaafir is a thriller series based on the true story of Shehnaz Parveen, played by Dia Mirza. The series follows the journey of a Pakistani woman who accidentally crosses the Line of Control (LOC) and enters India. It is available on ZEE5
Salaam Mumbai is a romantic comedy film where Dia Mirza plays Karishma, the daughter of a businessman. The film is available on YouTube
Tumsa Nahin Dekha: A Love Story is a musical-romantic film where Dia Mirza plays the role of a dancer named Jiya. The film is available on Amazon Prime Video
Deewaanapan is a romantic action film where Dia Mirza plays Kiran Choudhary, who falls in love with Suraj Saxena, played by Arjun Rampal. The film is available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar
Tehzeeb, released in 2003, features Dia Mirza as Nazneen Jamal, a mentally challenged woman. The film is available on YouTube

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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