MS Dhoni danced with wife Sakshi Dhoni, video went viral: Former captain of the Indian cricket team and star batsman Mahendra Singh Dhoni has crores of fans in the country and the world. No one has been able to take his place in the cricket world yet. Wherever Dhoni goes, there is a huge crowd of his fans. His wife Sakshi is also popular on social media. Despite being the wife of such a great cricketer, Sakshi does not like to be in the limelight. He goes to parties with Dhoni or his friends only on special occasions.



Video of Sakshi and Dhoni dancing goes viral

Away from cricket, Dhoni likes to live a normal life with his family in Ranchi. And he stays away from limelight. It is very rare that his family comes in front of the media. But recently a video of Dhoni is going viral on social media. In which he was seen enjoying a hill party with his wife and friends. In which he is seen dancing on the Pahari song Gulabi Sharara with his wife Sakshi Singh and his friends. Some local hill people are also seen with them. Fans are sharing this video of his a lot.


Dhoni and Sakshi studied in the same school

Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sakshi knew each other since childhood. Dhoni and Sakshi also studied in the same school in Ranchi. Both their fathers used to work together in Ranchi. These two families had very good relations from the beginning. But after some time Sakshi’s family shifted to Dehradun. And after that there was no contact between them. Dhoni met Sakshi again after many years. However, by then Dhoni’s life had changed a lot. Dhoni and Sakshi started talking again. And then they fell in love and later got married.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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